Tega Cay, South Carolina Speed Traps

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The entire incorporated area of Tega Cay

Tega Cay, South CarolinaOct 11, 20230 Comments

The town of less than 14000 generates more than 50% of its revenue from Fines, fees & licenses. It runs unmarked cars, among which is a black KIA Stinger. They have a magistrate court where police testimony always outweighs that of the offender, regardless.

Windsong Bay Lane & Shoreline Parkway

Tega Cay, South CarolinaJul 09, 20180 Comments

Not a speed trap, but stop sign violations. Tega Cay’s LEOs set up at night to write tickets. Doesn’t matter whether you do a full stop or not. If the revenue enhancement numbers aren’t where they need to be, you could get a ticket. No matter how many people you have in your vehicle as witnesses, it will be LEO vs citizen(s) & the revenue will accrue to the government.

Tega Cay Dr. City Limits

Tega Cay, South CarolinaMay 19, 20140 Comments

As a tax paying resident of Tega Cay I am not pleased that a majority of our police officers time is spent running speed traps for 5 MPH violations. The road is twisting and turning, requires frequent braking and excelleration which make maintaining a constant speed difficult. If this is the goal of the TC police dept I recommend at least half the officers be replaced by speed bumps.

On Gardendale Rd. between New Rock Rd. and Dam Rd.

Tega Cay, South CarolinaJul 21, 20100 Comments

Local police set up off side in cover near the power lines or in front off the new development entrances.

Windward Drive between Fire Station and Anchorage Lane

Tega Cay, South CarolinaApr 20, 20101 Comments

Speed limit on Tega Cay Drive 35mph but changes to 25 mph on Windward Drive – cops OFTEN park in unpaved median between trees. I drive on Windward to/from my house daily and weekly see the cops who hide there. I have lived in Tega Cay for 18 years and always warn friends / business associates who come to visit about speed traps, specifically telling them the speed limit is 35 NOT 37 on Tega Cay Drive, 25 NOT 27 on Windward and 20 NOT 22 on Anchorage Lane.

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