Smithfield, Utah Speed Traps

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State Highway 91

Smithfield, UtahSep 03, 20080 Comments

There are usually between 1 and 3 police cars patrolling Hwy 91 between Lee’s (on the south end) and the city limits on the north. Officers will sometimes sit in the parking lots of the local businesses and catch anyone breaking the 45 MPH speed limit.

300 & 400 South Street near State Highway 89 &91

Smithfield, UtahApr 07, 20060 Comments

The entire town is a speed trap.

US Hwy 89/91 or Smithfield Main St. between 500 S. and 800 S.

Smithfield, UtahDec 18, 20020 Comments

Officers are usually well off, hidden, from the roadway usually at the Zion’s Bank parking lot. Officers are known to use "excessive" manuvering to catch-up to an alleged speeder, including driving dangerously (plus 100mph) without emergency lights on until they are just behind the allegeded speeder.

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