Howard, Wisconsin Speed Traps

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Cardinal Lane from Duck Creek Pkwy heading north

Howard, WisconsinJan 26, 20160 Comments

Officer sits in a driveway just off the main road and shoots laser at approaching northbound cars. You will not get a warning or a break, even with a clean driving record. You will also have no luck getting a worthwhile plea deal out of the DA and fighting the ticket in court is a lost cause as the judge, officers and prosecutor are a close knit group. Also, the judge will not dismiss the case if the officer does not show and you will be required to appear at a rescheduled trial.

State Highway 29/32 near County Trunk FF

Howard, WisconsinJul 25, 20080 Comments

There are a few State Patrol cars that enforse speed limits on highway 29/32 from the County FF exit on the north side and also between County FF and County J in th median. When Westbound you pass County J and go up a hill and as you reach the top there is a Median Crossing. Here they are usually using Ka band Radar shooting both East and West bound trafic. As you continue North on 29/32 you drive up another hill to the next exit, County FF. Here there is sometimes an officer who hits Westbound traffic with Laser.

Lanwood Street near Roland Lane

Howard, WisconsinMay 13, 20080 Comments

Sits on lanwood east west lanwood looking down roland lane.


State Highway 29 near FF/Hillcrest Road

Howard, WisconsinFeb 27, 20070 Comments

Officer likes to sit in the emergency turn-around section, and waits for cars coming in towards Green Bay from Pulaski. The speed limits drops from 65 to 55 about a mile back, so be careful.

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