Lamar, South Carolina Speed Traps

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Hwy 401 – South of Lamar

Lamar, South CarolinaJan 29, 20110 Comments

Entering Lamar from the south on Hwy 401 the speed limit drops from 55 mph to 35 mph for the northbound lane. Lamar Police like to sit a couple of hundred yards past the town limit sign on the right. Here is the kicker. Same road, but traveling south (out of Lamar) the speed limit is 45 mph, vs 35 mph on the northbound side.

Coming into Lamar City Limits From I-20

Lamar, South CarolinaDec 08, 20100 Comments

Coming into the city before you get to Lamar First Baptist Church and the Exxon Station They are located on the right hand side just past the city limit sign in front of an old abandoned building and are hidden until you get right upon them they are in the Lamar Police Vehicle.

On Main Street at the Middle School

Lamar, South CarolinaDec 08, 20100 Comments

At the Middle School on Main Street there is a little driveway right by Bay Branch Road and they sit right there they are hidden if you are entering town but you can see them if you are leaving town it can be a Lamar City Police or a Sheriff Car

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