Norwalk, Connecticut Speed Traps

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Rt 7 connector north, btw exit 2 and 3

Norwalk, ConnecticutApr 15, 20110 Comments

Police car parked on the top of the hill right after exit 2

Rte 7 Connector on ramp, at Rte 123 South bound

Norwalk, ConnecticutApr 02, 20100 Comments

State Troopers are mid way up the On ramp (South Bound going towards I95)…looking for seat belt violators, and expired registration. Too late once you are on the ramp, you can’t back down. This is by Wendy’s and the bridge that seems like it will never be finished.

State Route 7 connector

Norwalk, ConnecticutJul 21, 20060 Comments

hide on median directly after bridges and man made obstructions. also hide midway on connector on "hill"

Richards Ave bet. St. Johns Cemetary & Scribner Ave

Norwalk, ConnecticutFeb 01, 20010 Comments

Norwalk P.D will park onthe grass at the corner of Scribner ave facing towards the college, this is a BLIND TURN you come around the turn and they already knew you were coming . They use K band

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