Adair, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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4-5 miles west of Adair, Oklahoma

Adair, OklahomaJan 31, 20120 Comments

10:40 pm -Traveling west from town of Adair (population 700+) on State Highway 23, speed limit 65 mph.
4 to 5 miles outside of Adair, and prior to getting to a road construction site, the speed limit drops to 45 mph. Up to this point land use was agricultural. The police made themselves known by turning on emergency lights at least 0.4 to 0.5 miles into the work zone. I was issued a ticket for going 68 mph in a 45 mph zone (city police, with radar, must have been parked off road where the speed limit dropped, they were not visible). We were about 0.5 miles from the turnpike.
I called the Adair area Chamber of Commerce and was told the city limit was extended to the only business on the road, the Crooked Little House Pecan Store. This single business was almost to the turnpike (I-44). The operator of the Crooked Little House said the City limits to her location extended 30 feet on each side of the highway. I asked if the city received much income from the sales tax at her store. She said they got a lot more from traffic tickets.

Leaving town north or south on 69

Adair, OklahomaFeb 18, 20110 Comments

In May 2010 I was pulled over leaving town. I was going 56 in the 55 zone before it goes to 65 mph. The officer told me not to go over 45 until you go past the 55 mph sign and then not to go over 55 until after you go past the 65 mph sign.

Hwy. 69 and east on Hwy. 28 for a couple of miles.

Adair, OklahomaJul 21, 20100 Comments

This area goes through a school zone and then on to open highway. Patrol is there even when school is not in session. No tolerance.

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