Baldwin, Florida Speed Traps

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US Highway 301 near US Highway 90

Baldwin, FloridaApr 08, 20060 Comments

The Baldwin police department was disbanded on March 13, 2006. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office has taken over their duties.

US Highway 301 near US Highway 301 North

Baldwin, FloridaNov 28, 20050 Comments

Ticketed for going 62 in 45 mph zone. I know it has been said before by many people but I was conscious of my speed because I have been through this area many times. I come from a family of truckers who know this area & they’ve shared stories with me so I was more conscious than normal of my speed. I did not argue with the “chief of police”” but he asked if I knew how fast I was going & I stated of course I did – 35. Very sad that my 15 year old grandson was in the car with me and witnessed this abuse of authority by lying. I definitely was not speeding. “

301 North

Baldwin, FloridaNov 12, 20020 Comments

I am a former Baldwin police officer so I hope this advice helps.The speed limit is 55 as you appraoch the town limits. turns into 45 just before the over pass. 35 just after the over pass.The police are waiting in the parking lot of the funeral home at the end of the road.They will pick you off as you come over the over pass because you tend to pick up speed going down the over pass.The police officers are under heavy pressure by officials to generate revenue for the town this way.

Yellow Water Rd

Baldwin, FloridaNov 12, 20020 Comments

I was a Baldwin Police officer and this is the worst trap of them all.If you are traveling Yellow Water RD going North bound the limit is 45.You come over an over pass(over I-10) and appraoch the Baldwin town limits.The limit drops from 45 to 30 without any warning.The officers are in the ball field waiting for you. The Police Chief endorces this unfair enforcement.

US 90 (School Zone)

Baldwin, FloridaNov 12, 20020 Comments

Watch your speed through the school zone…25mph

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