Lake City, Florida Speed Traps

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I-75 Just south of exit 414 (US 441/US 41)

Lake City, FloridaDec 05, 20120 Comments

After exit US 414 (heading southbound) you will reach a section where the north and southbound lanes split (trees and grass divide the lanes). Within the trees, you can usually spot 1 or 2 troopers watching both northbound and southbound lanes. Going 80 or less they usually leave you alone. Above that, there’s trouble.

I 10 I95

Lake City, FloridaJun 02, 20101 Comments

Fhp and County very active Near the Rest
Area West of I 95. There are three Fhp working West and East of this location. They are using unmarked and marked. Look for the Mercideds black with no marking CLK 430 with Alabama tags.

US Highway I-75 near Mile Marker 420 North Bound

Lake City, FloridaMar 07, 20080 Comments

Trooper hiding right behind the bridge/viaduct which is absolutely not visible untill you pass him. Trooper gets clear shot from only 500-550 feet range. Don’t rely on your laser radar detector- especially on light traffic in speed trap like this one (i had Valentine-1)- analize surroundings all the time or you will be in “1 shot-1 kill”” situation in speedtraps like this.”

Interstate 10 near Lake City to Marianna exit 136

Lake City, FloridaJul 04, 20060 Comments

The section of Interstate 10 from Lake City to Marianna HEAVILLY patrolled by Florida Highway Patrol. FHP does seem to be reasonably lenient because I passed one doing 81 in a 70 and he didn’t give me any problem, but, the sheer number of patrol cars and unmarked cars they place in this area makes it necessary of being warned about. On the way to Daytona on July 1st I saw 10 and on the way back home on the 4th I saw 8. Feel it necessary to add that several that I saw on the way home had people pulled over, however, two of them were assisting motorists who had broken down on the side of the road instead of just out there fishing trying to collect revenue.

I-75 just north of exit 414

Lake City, FloridaJul 29, 20020 Comments

Airplane flies overhead and relays to the troopers what cars should be stopped. If there is an airplane circling this area watch out, there has been up to 8 troopers seen waiting.

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