Southside Place, Texas Speed Traps

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3700-3900 Block of Bellaire Blvd (Both directions)

Southside Place, TexasOct 23, 20230 Comments

Southside Place have police officers sit in this school zone all day, every day catching speeders in the school zone. The limit is 20 but they only allow 29 and then they stop you. They have nothing better to do then to harass the motorist going to work and school.

Bellaire Blvd @ Stella Link

Southside Place, TexasApr 10, 20110 Comments

Given that the village of Southside Place, Texas, has low, low taxes and a new spare-no-expense City Hall, a mean ole traffic cop parades in his new, white Ford waiting to ticket anyone who drives just 1 mile over the speed limit or who makes a lane change without using blinkers. The cost: $100 per violation. But wait, there’s more. Did you see those two old ‘Men-Working’ signs left over from 2008’s road construction. “Offenders” (otherwise known as victims or marks) see their fines doubled, even though — gee whiz — there are no workers at work. Hey, don’t you love little Southside Place, Texas!

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