Summerfield, Florida Speed Traps

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SE 105th Avenue between CR 42 and Sunset Harbor Road

Summerfield, FloridaMay 20, 20101 Comments

+/- 1/4 mile stretch of rural road where speed limit drops from 40-45 mph to 30 mph for no discernable reason. perfect shaded area for hiding in the shadows with a radar gun. ususally 2 motorcycle cops working in tandem less than a mile away from 441 where, in my opinion, they should be concentrating their efforts due to almost daily accidents and a dangerous mix of very old and very young drivers.

SE 100th Ave (around S curves at Willoughby Park)

Summerfield, FloridaMay 11, 20100 Comments

Common location for deputy radar set up

Del Webb Boulevard near State Route 441

Summerfield, FloridaSep 28, 20071 Comments

Unrealistic speed requirement in private subdivision.

Interstate 75 near County Trunk 475A – South of 484

Summerfield, FloridaJun 08, 20070 Comments

Motorcycle Policemen sit at the entrance of a sub division ( La Casta estates ) on the South side of 475A, the speed limit is only 45 but the next road down it is 55 (475) so a lot of people coming over to use I-75 get caught, I don’t understand the difference in the speed limits.

State Highway 301 near 135th Street

Summerfield, FloridaApr 12, 20050 Comments

04/05 County is out with radar for enforcement in Summerfield area.

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