Daleville, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Park and Ride route 307

Daleville, PennsylvaniaMay 09, 20190 Comments

Parks lights out hidden behind grass at new park and ride lot by exit or across the street tucked way back in the road near same location. Have seen a few cars get pulled over.

FNCB Bank in Shoprite Shopping Center

Daleville, PennsylvaniaAug 23, 20180 Comments

Hidden from the road by ATM Drive through. Unmarked Dodge Charger.


Daleville, PennsylvaniaApr 11, 20120 Comments

There’s a new cop in town there trying to make a big splash along Rt.#435 between Moscow, Daleville, and surrounding areas. He drives a white unmarked cruiser with bumper guards and mounted black spot lights on each side. Likes to set up near Kay’s Diner, the cemetary, or in the upper lot of the chienese take-out joint across from the Shop-Rite store.

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