Detroit, Alabama Speed Traps

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AL Hwy 17, intersection with County Road 15

Detroit, AlabamaOct 04, 20120 Comments

Traveling south on AL 17 the speed limit goes from 55 to 45 to 35 in a matter of 2000 yards as you get to Detroit AL, then back up to 55mph about 2000 yards past the AL-17/CR 15 intersection. Coming from the South on AL-17, the speed limit is 55 until you pass the AL-17/CR 15 intersection, then becomes 35 to go on into Detroit. At the intersection of the AL-17 & CR 15, you will get a ticket for going 55 in a 35 zone, which is reckless driving, even though the signage is inconsistent from the North vs South traveling perspectives.

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