Colchester, Illinois Speed Traps

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All along the main route through town.

Colchester, IllinoisFeb 19, 20110 Comments

Locals all know that this little town is notorious for being a speed trap. The officer likes to cruise through town and is famous for ticketing on 1 or 2 miles over the limit. Watch out for someone coming at you with their brights on, that’s usually the squad car. Either end of town is where he often sits looking for those speeding up to get out of town or not slowing up enough when coming in. Also in the middle of town there’s a curve that is 25mph and they sit there to catch anyone not complying. Watch the signs all through town and make sure you at or under those limits. Oh and if you have one head or tail light out, try to go around somehow….otherwise you WILL be stopped.

US Highway 136 near S-Curve

Colchester, IllinoisJul 18, 20070 Comments

The speed limit drops to 25 for some distance through the middle of town. The cop sits on or near the S-Curve and aggresivly targets people with out of state plates.

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