Fisher, Illinois Speed Traps

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Highway 136

Fisher, IllinoisMay 12, 20110 Comments

At County Rd. 400E heading West you will find yourself at a stop sign. You proceed less than a mile at 55mph. As you just enter the town there is a small sign off to the side that says "reduce speed ahead" (It took three times through before I ever saw this sign which is partially covered by a tree) within 300 feet your speed is reduced to 35. Less than 25 feet after that it is reduced to 20mph in the school zone. I went through at noon and had little chance to get my speed down. I was clocked just as I came into town going 58mph in a 20mph school zone. To make matters worse I was on my cell phone getting directions on how to get where I was going as I was lost. I received two tickets

1. driving 58 mph in a 20 mph school zone
2 talking on a cell phone while driving 58 mph in a school zone.

They also kept my license. (I have not had a ticket in 18 years, and a moving violation in 26 years…still stunned) The signs are visible on Google Earth.

State Highway 136 near Within City Limits

Fisher, IllinoisMar 28, 20060 Comments

A school zone that is signed only a short distance wide, but enforced over a much wider area. Signs that say "When Children Present", but enforced the entire school day, even if children are not present.

State Route 136

Fisher, IllinoisDec 10, 20040 Comments

I was not paying attention one night after a long day on the job …driving through this town and was pulled over. The police officer handed me "2" violations.

1. Doing 42mph in a 35mph zone
2. Doing 37mph in a 30mph zone.

Get this. Fisher, Illinois (by passing through on R136) can’t be more than 1 mile in diameter. However, this cop handed me two tickets.

Long story short, I took the City of Fisher to court. The judge (Champaign county) dropped the one speeding ticket due to the fact that he had never heard of a case as the above.

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