Rolling Meadows, Illinois Speed Traps

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Quentin Rd between Algonquin and Euclid

Rolling Meadows, IllinoisJul 12, 20100 Comments

Cop standing with radar gun and more cops in squad cars waiting to catch you

State Highway 62 near State Route 53

Rolling Meadows, IllinoisAug 12, 20080 Comments

Rolling Ghettoes squad car sits on S side of Algonquin Road in office park, between Rt 53 and New Wilke Road. I waved as I passed him, my speed dropping below 41. Limit is 35. The City of Rolling Ghettoes badly needs this revenue, so stick to the limit!

State Route 53 Eastbound near Euclid Avenue

Rolling Meadows, IllinoisJul 10, 20070 Comments

Seat Belt Enforcement area – as you exit Northbound Route 53 on the Euclid Avenue East ramp, you’re unable to see the end of the ramp. You come around the curve and there will be several police standing on the shoulder to check if you are wearing a seatbelt.

Interstate 290 near Higgins Avenue

Rolling Meadows, IllinoisJun 27, 20070 Comments

Aided by a spotter, the ISP was informed and waiting outside the patrol vehicle with Lidar L2 pointed down the left lane. No chance to react until it was too late.

Eulid Avenue near Northwest Highway

Rolling Meadows, IllinoisMay 03, 20070 Comments

A cop always waits for speeders on
a driveway of any house on Eulid passed the Northwest
Hwy (by the railroad track).
The speed limit is 30 MPH.
Even you are driving at 40 MPH, the cop
would still get you. After the cop
writes you a ticket, he goes back to the same spot to
wait for another speeder.

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