Worth, Illinois Speed Traps

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111th & Harlem

Worth, IllinoisMar 24, 20130 Comments

This is not a "speed" trap. I got a ticket in the mail – I thought it was because I turned on red and signs were not posted. I called the Worth Police. You Can turn on red, but you must make a complete stop not a rolling stop. Yep, I gotta pay.

111th & Ridgeland temporary

Worth, IllinoisAug 23, 20110 Comments

It was a safety check for seat belts on Tuesday, 8/23. My husband never drives without one, was wearing his, & never lets passengers in his vehicle ride without one, but got a ticket for “allegedly” putting it on before the check point. There goes $50 that cannot be contested. So, it’s their word against yours. Guess who will win that one??? Worth must be hurting for money. And the rest of us are not????? Shame on them.

107th & Oak Park Ave

Worth, IllinoisJan 19, 20110 Comments

Oak Park Ave by the park is 20mph. Police sit in the apartment building lot or on the side clocking speeds. If you are going South on Oak Park they sit in the apartment building lot. If you are going north they sit on the right side in front of a parked car. This is an area with a park and you should go slow, but they are there at 7am and late at night.

Harlem & college drive

Worth, IllinoisApr 17, 20100 Comments

when heading south on harlem. There is a speed trap on the light of college drive. Appropriate signs are displayed.

111th Place & S. Harlem Avenue

Worth, IllinoisFeb 24, 20102 Comments

Red light cameras without proper signs visible.

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