Yerington, Nevada Speed Traps

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Alt 95 and Pete Hendrichs Road

Yerington, NevadaSep 04, 20180 Comments

Posted 8/31/18 Okay so this isn’t so much as speed trap it’s a heads up for truckers… If you’re heading east on Alt 95 you’re technically not supposed to take Pete Hendrichs Road for shortcut, it’s a “no through truck” route, there is a sign indicating this about 80 yards AFTER you’re already on Pete Hendrichs. If you’re already on Pete Hendrichs DO NOT TRY AND TURN AROUND on either side of the road, you will almost certainly get stuck in the sand. My dad lives on Pete Hendrichs, he’s counted 11 trucks stuck just in the last two months! Getting towed out will cost you at LEAST $1,000 as the tow service comes 60 miles out of Hawthorn. The ticket you MIGHT get for continuing on Pete Hendrichs will most likely be much less than the tow fees you will incur when you try and turn around.

95 and Yerington, Nevada

Yerington, NevadaSep 06, 20150 Comments

highway 95 speed limit 70 coming into the boarded up outskirts of town in Yerington, Nv the speed limit went from 40- 30 in 122 steps and then within a few hundred feet jumps back to 40 and then to 50 mph. all of this is within a few blocks. I had come to a halt to let an ambulance and a blue car turn onto the highway and went up behind them when i got to the 40 mph sign a cop came in behind me turned on his lights and i pulled over. He said he clocked me at 44 miles in a 30mph. I told him that this was a speed trap. He acted like he didn’t know what that was. He acted nervous and angry so he wrote my ticket and as he was given it to me, i told him that i wanted to be able to go to court to fight this. He got mad and asked me to step out of the car. He asked to step back to the truck bar in front and he started rocking side to side. Another police officer came by and he held up his hand with a number 4. He smiled at them and they drove on. He then told me to come to his side of his truck and i told him I didn’t feel comfortable with that. He said I want to show you the the radar. I said only from the highway road so i walked away from the truck at the side and looked at the radar. And I said to him that I was with three cars two of which were in front of me speeding up to a call. He was really clocking them I pulled over.

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