Boxborough, Massachusetts Speed Traps

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Route 2 eastbound at exit 41

Boxborough, MassachusettsApr 12, 20120 Comments

Mile 116, after the onramp from exit 41. State police car on the right shoulder in late morning. The shoulder can be in the shade when the highway is sunlit, making the car harder to see.

Summer Street near State Route 111

Boxborough, MassachusettsJul 03, 20060 Comments

Cop sits on Summer Street about 1/4 mile down the road from the intersection with Rt 111. They sit off the road, so you don’t see them until you are right in their view. The speed limit is 25, even though people routinely go 40+ down this road.

I have observed this around 5-6 pm.

State Highway 111 near Interstate 495

Boxborough, MassachusettsApr 12, 20050 Comments

Cruiser or unmarked black Crown Vic. May be parked opposite the off-ramp from I-495 S, in the Holiday Inn driveway opposite the gas station (just E of the off-ramp), or along the south side of route 111 in front of the brick office building 1/3mi E of the off-ramp. Radar in use, not sure what kind.

Rte. 111 (and any other place in town)

Boxborough, MassachusettsAug 26, 20020 Comments

Rte. 111 should always be travelled at the speed limit. It is 40mph with a small section reduced to 30mph. Not just late night, always! They are enforcing the speed limit to the extreme. I have seen people get pulled over for 43 in a 40 zone. And, from what I’ve heard personally, are not the friendliest people in law enforcement. Many secondary roads are not that heavily patrolled but I wouldn’t risk it. And as stated in other posts, they will patrol I495.

Codmane Hill Rd. Off 111

Boxborough, MassachusettsMar 01, 20020 Comments

I was cruising down Codman Hill Rd. at unkown speed (the limit is 35, I was going no more than 45, but I think less), when suddenly a navy blue Crown Vic pulls onto the road from a construction site with its lues blazin’. I immidiatly pull over to the right, retrieve my papers from the glove box, place my hands on the wheel and wait for the officer to arrive at my doorside. He does retrieves my paper work and works his way to the front of the car. "No front liscence plate?" he says. Keeping my right hand on the wheel, I point my left out the window at the front of the car and explain that my car requires a factory adaptor for liscence plates that I had been unable to locate. He nods, comes back around to the side of the car, and then suddenly, grabs my left hand (which at that point was resting on the door sill) and proceeds to pull me out the open window. "Take it easy!" I yell, now aboslutly terrified. "You have a gun in the car" he says as he drops me to the pavement and cuffs my hands behind my back. He leads me back to his car, tells me to stay the or he will shoot me, and returns to my car. I, meanwhile, cannot for the life of me figure out what he is talking about, until he retrieves the orange plastic uzi squirt gun that my friends five year old brother left there. After searching my car without any sort of permission, he also discovered "Narcotics", that turned out to be mints ( I thought the fact that they were in mint containers would be a dead give away). Finally, he uncuffed me, confiscated the weapon, and then had the gall to hand me a ticket for speeding (47 in a thirty-five). And wouldn’t you know it, in all the excitment he forgot to check off ‘Radar’ as his method of speed detection. As far as the ticket goes, I got off because of that little omission on his part, but despite this, I will never, ever set foot in Boxborough ever again. BEWARE THE BOXBOROUGH GESTAPO!!!!!

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