Glenelg, Maryland Speed Traps

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MD 32 just north of Glenelg Exit

Glenelg, MarylandDec 27, 20111 Comments

Officers will sit in gravel area on the left (for northbound traffic) right after the speed limit drops from 55 to 50 for northbound traffic.

Burntwoods Road before and after the high school

Glenelg, MarylandMay 02, 20110 Comments

in morning they sit at the methodist church entrance or exit waiting for people to not drop down to 25 mph during school hours

in the afternoon they are past the high school and the circle going towards 97 sitting on the next street on the left with radar going both ways.

also on both sides of sharp road when high school dismisses at 2:10

Interstate 70 near State Highway 32

Glenelg, MarylandJan 31, 20060 Comments

It is right before the exit onto Route 32, always in the median strip, they typically get drivers passing the 32 exit to columbia/baltimore, or going to frederick; posted in both directions. On one occasion, I saw 4 cruisers parked in the median.

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