Sparkman, Arkansas Speed Traps

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State Highway 7 &128 near State Highway 37 &128

Sparkman, ArkansasJul 20, 20080 Comments

The city and or the county sit about a mile to a mile half north of Sparkman. They sit behind a tree on the west side of Hwy.#7 and back up in a driveway on the east side. It uis very hard to see them coming from either way. They sit there a lot during the week, but on weekends they are always there. Afternoons and nights. A lot of times they have road blocks set up.
(Sparkman – Dallas County)


Hwy 7 south just off hwy. 128

Sparkman, ArkansasOct 01, 20010 Comments

as soon as you turn on hwy. 7 from hwy. 128 there is a large garage. they set there everday especially from 3:00-7:00. you can’t see them coming into town on hwy. 7 (from Camden)

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