Mount Clemens, Michigan Speed Traps

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Dickinson St. Between Cass and South River

Mount Clemens, MichiganJul 17, 20190 Comments

Goes from 35 MPH to 25 MPH for a very short distance poorly marked and the police sit and pick you off one after another.

North River Rd. near Macomb Daily Dr.

Mount Clemens, MichiganJan 05, 20120 Comments

Officer eye-balling speed. Moving, not parked. 3 tickets from officer at my place of employment.

On Gratiot Just south of Hall Rd. (M-59)

Mount Clemens, MichiganOct 08, 20100 Comments

I was heading south on Gratiot in my classic car (63 Nova) to attend the car cruise in Mt. Clemens. I got stuck behind a vehicle in the fast lane doing about 30mph in the 45 zone. I sped up a little to go past him in the outside lane, but not enough to exceed the speed limit. Suddenly I noticed red & blue flashers in my mirror, a Macomb County Sherrif car! Where he was hiding, I don’t know. My wife and I both have a pretty good eye for spotting cops hiding on the roadway, but neither of us saw this one. He said that he got me doing 59mph in the 45 zone. An absolute lie! I never got anywhere near 60. And when I went to ask him a question he just ignored me, turned and walked away to go write his trophy ticket.(actually they don’t even have to write now, the computer does it for him) This was only my second ticket in almost 30 years. Are the cops running blocker cars now in speed traps?
I have been a contributer and supporter of the Michigan Sherrif’s Association for many years. That’s going to STOP!

Hubbard Street near East of RR Tracks

Mount Clemens, MichiganOct 02, 20070 Comments

Officer sits either at the Party store near the Railroad Tracks, parked along the street, or near the junkyard. 25 MPH residential area.

Gratiot Road near Joy Road

Mount Clemens, MichiganJul 18, 20070 Comments

The Sheriff’s Department that now runs Mt. Clemens has been known to set up in the parking lots along Gratiot near Joy and Radar the traffic coming through. I advise going the speed limit in this area.

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