Orchard Lake, Michigan Speed Traps

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Commerce Rd between Hiller and Orchard Lk Rd

Orchard Lake, MichiganJul 09, 20110 Comments

35 in what was 45 going east after Hiller

Pontiac Trail near Orchard Lake Road

Orchard Lake, MichiganAug 19, 20080 Comments

Police hideout with lights out between Bank and Gas Station. They are there every night from 10pm – 5:30am.

Indian Trail near Commerce Road

Orchard Lake, MichiganSep 26, 20070 Comments

Patrol car sits on easement grass near Commerce Rd.Often after dark, at St. Mary’s. Local speed 25 M.P.H.. Slight curve in road obscures them until it’s too late.

Commerce Road near Hiller Road

Orchard Lake, MichiganSep 25, 20070 Comments

The Orchard Lake Police like to sit in the parking lot of the large white Presbytarian Church on the south side of Commerce road between Hiller and Orchard Lake Road. They are usually facing west aiming at the east bound lane, however can and do nail speeders heading both east and west on Commerce.

Pontiac Trail Road near Orchard Lake Road

Orchard Lake, MichiganMar 18, 20070 Comments

East or West bound traffic on Pontiac Trail should be aware that withing the City limits of Orchard Lake, the speed is 35 as compared to 45 MPH for the same road in neighboring West Bloomfield. Police cars often sit in the day care parking lot or the nature preserve entrance near Arlene to nab offenders. While 40-50 MPH is common for motorists rushing through Orchard Lake, the OLPD continually seeks to enforce their posted speeds.

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