Rock Port, Missouri Speed Traps

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State Highway 136 near KOA Camp Ground

Rock Port, MissouriDec 05, 20070 Comments

A Rock Port Cop will sit with their lights off (so against the law!) in the KOA drive and catch people coming in to the city limits of Rock Port, close to Trails End where it drops from 60 mph to 45 mph. They will get you every time! They should not be allowed to sit there with their lights off..they do not have any lights on at all!

US Highway 136 near Rail Road Crossing at Phelps City

Rock Port, MissouriDec 05, 20070 Comments

Be aware that on Hwy 136 going towards Rock Port at the Phelps city tracks a cop will sit behind that grain weigh station out of sight. When you don’t slow down to 45 he will nab you.

US Highway 136 near Interstate 29

Rock Port, MissouriJul 08, 20040 Comments

The officers in that certain area sit just inside of the city limits where the speed limit changes from 60 mph to 45 mph. They’ll write tickets !

I-29 exit 117 and Hwy 136

Rock Port, MissouriJan 01, 20020 Comments

Not really a trap, Rock Port Police in a Jeep Cheerokee will be waiting on 136 Hwy above or below the exit road. they especially like out of state cars. also make sure your seat belts are ALL on properly.

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