Saint George, Missouri Speed Traps

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McKenzie Rd. west of I-55

Saint George, MissouriMar 04, 20100 Comments

Because of the serious harassment video available on you-tube this small town was disolved and area is now patroled by St. Louis County police. However, drastic drop in speed limit is still there just after sharp curve (they get you before you can adjust speed) so the county still uses this trap to make quotas at the end of the month.

Reavis Barracks Boulevard near US Highway 55

Saint George, MissouriMay 23, 20080 Comments

When exiting HWY 55 onto Reavis Barracks (heading towards Mackenzie/Gravois) you have entered St. George. The police spend all their time giving tickets from speeding to license plate light out. Speed limit is 35mph and everyone is at risk. Seems to commonly pull over Illinois plates as well. Serious video of harrassment available on

Reavis Barracks Road near Interstate Highway 55

Saint George, MissouriFeb 18, 20080 Comments

If you take Reavis Barracks Road off 55, you are in the infamous St. George. Essentially it is part of the strip between Highway 55 and Gravois road. The speed limit is 35 and you better travel 30, to be safe. Police vehicles are always parked on the side of Reavis Barracks or even on a condo parking lot, near Imos Pizza. One young driver was threated by a, now fired, patrolman. The young driver had a taping device in his car and the officer was heard to say he would fabricate any reason to take the kid in and the officer tampered w/ his own patrol car’s recording device, in an attempt to destroy evidence. There is some debate if the young driver provoked the incident but nevertheless it was a frightening moment. However, the speed trap continues.

Reavis Barracks Road near US Highway 55

Saint George, MissouriNov 13, 20070 Comments

St. George is a little municipality in South St. Louis County on Reavis Barracks Road between Highway 55 and Mackenzie Road. It is a stretch of road that the police sit all the time, the speed limit is 35, and you better be doing 35 when you go through there.

McKenzie Road near Union Road Street

Saint George, MissouriSep 16, 20070 Comments

Village of St George. This township uses fines for speeding tickets as 50% of its city revenue

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