Safford, Arizona Speed Traps

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US Highway 70 near Mile Marker 352

Safford, ArizonaDec 19, 20051 Comments

The cars are clocked by radar or timewatch around mile post 352 to 354, usually going west. You can pick up some nice speed going down the hill and be timed right there. The police cruiser is usually hidden quite far away from the highway on a dirt road with a good view on passing traffic.

State Highway 191 near 1st Street

Safford, ArizonaApr 25, 20050 Comments

From the armory at the fairgrounds to relation on 191(1st ave.). This is heavily enforced and they like to hide in the armory parking lot, the lights at the city yard and in the old ideal parking lot just before relation. they usually tag team that area where one will sit and use the handheld radar gun and the other two will just be on standby pulling cars over.

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