East Orange, New Jersey Speed Traps

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Park Avenue near Glenwood Avenue

East Orange, New JerseySep 18, 20080 Comments

Officer in a marked unit, sits out in the open, plain as day, unobstructed, just off the roadway in the driveway of an office building. He is there nearly every morning. At 7:22am an eastbound school bus pulls up, flashes the reds, and at least three cars pass the very stopped and very flashing school bus…some even go by a line of stopped cars, then pass the bus without any regard for kids or the law. The cop is on’em. Not so much of a speed trap, but still, a place to never even consider passing a school bus. This cop is so obvious about being there, it’s the speeders I suppose just don’t see him. If they slowed down, they might. I live near the corner and watch the show from my kitchen window – I can set my clock by it!

Freeway Dr East Drive near Interstate 280

East Orange, New JerseyOct 31, 20070 Comments

The police officer sits on Halsted & Freeway Dr East using the tall abandoned building as his cover. I didnt get the ticket but I saw the motorist that did.

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