Goldfield, Nevada Speed Traps

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South Goldfield on Veteran’s Memorial Highway/US-95

Goldfield, NevadaFeb 27, 20190 Comments

Outside the town the speed limit is 70 mph. As you approach the town there will be a warning sign that the speed is reduced ahead to 45 mph. The next sign indicates the speed limit is only 35 mph (37.6961285,-117.2361864), and in 0.3 miles the speed limit sign says 25 mph (37.7003739,-117.2346205) . By following the speed limit signs and breaking at a safe rate (ie. not slamming the breaks and skidding) our car was slowing but still traveling 10 mph over the speed limit when we passed the 25 mph sign. The officer was behind a structure 50 yards ahead. The result was a ticket for $115.00.

In between Tonopah and Goldfield, 95

Goldfield, NevadaJan 03, 20111 Comments

Pulled over in the middle of nowhere 30 miles out of Goldfield for speeding (right after the downgrade from Tonopah heading South). No one on road for miles, cop had my speed anyways (airplane?). $402 ticket. To get the ticket’s points reduced, I’d have to pay over $1200 + traffic school. R-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s.

Esmeralda Township

Goldfield, NevadaAug 15, 20100 Comments

State Route 264 runs through total desolation for something like 50 miles. The only reason I took it is that Google Maps showed it as a good shortcut North of Death Valley, to get from SR395 in CA to Las Vegas. As I was driving down this road, 65 MPH limit, a police car came down one of the dirt side roads and pulled over. A few minutes later I noticed he was following me about 1/4 mile back and he stayed there for somewhere between 5 and 10 miles. I stayed right on the speed limit, but I had Arizona plates in Nevada, so he just stayed there. My family and I were looking for a gas station and we came up on Esmeralda Township, a wide spot in the road with a General Store and 2 gas pumps. I pulled into the gas station, made a U-turn to get the right side of the pump and got out, then the officer came to a stop in front of me. Just coming into town, there are two signs within probably 10 yards of each other, 55 MPH and 45 MPH. He was just waiting for me to do what everybody else probably does in that town, not slow down until after the 45 MPH sign. $292 for putting on my brakes a couple of seconds too late. I can fight the ticket, if I want to drive 400+ miles back to Goldfield in a month. One funny thing, on the ticket is the address of the Goldfield, NV Courthouse, it is at 403 Crook Street, fitting.

US Highway 95 near 95 entering Goldfield from south

Goldfield, NevadaJun 21, 20061 Comments

speed limit slows down to 45 then 35 very quickly .
officer waiting there to give you a ticket if you do not slow down to this speed limt – before you pass the sign

going into or out of town

Goldfield, NevadaMay 06, 20030 Comments

NV hwy # 95 between Tonopah & Las Vegas. Ghost town of about 100 people….two miles on each side of town the speed limit is 25 & 35 miles per hour…in the desert with no traffic. Cannot see any buildings of town because it’s so far out. Ticket was $320. Deputy was extremely belligerant, nasty. Met his car going the other way in town & noticed he looked at our out of state car…apparently decided I was a good catch – two women. He had a list of other things he was going to charge me with and I, at that time, said no…I knew I had not. Ticket indicated I passed a car going 20 mph in a 35 mile zone.

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