Limestone, New York Speed Traps

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U.S. 219 in Limestone, NY

Limestone, New YorkSep 06, 20140 Comments

as you enter Limestone NY on US 219 at 55MPH, the speed drops to 40 MPH with very little advance warning. It is a 4 lane highway, and NYS troopers wait with radar just inside this zone. In 2012 301,050 tickets were issued here, more than all the rest of Cattauragus county (county it’s in), and adjoining Allegany county COMBINED!

Limestone, NY on 4 Lane Rt 219 where the speed drops to 40

Limestone, New YorkAug 29, 20140 Comments

When entering form the North, there are no speed zone ahead signs. There used to be, they have been missing for a long time. If you are in the left lane when there is traffic or a truck on your right you will not see the 40MPH posted sigs, the median 40MPH signs are missing. In fact you will not see a 40MPH median sign until the end of the zone a good mile away. By then it’s too late. The zone is patrolled by as many as 6 cars at a time during the daylight hours. Much less at night. There is a caution light at the towns main intersection.

From the South, there is now one Speed Zone ahead sign and both 40MPH signs are now up, but do not count on them staying up as they have a habit of disappearing. They sit very close to the change and will still get you.

The intersection of the 4-lane has foot traffic so be careful.

State Road 219

Limestone, New YorkFeb 02, 20031 Comments

Speed drops, for no apparent reason, from 55 MPH to 35 MPH for a two-mile stretch.

Rt. 219 N.

Limestone, New YorkJan 22, 20030 Comments

traveling north on the 219, just after the caution light of the intersection there is a used car lot, and police love to sit at the end of the line of cars for sale so they blend in, and when you see them it’s too late.

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