Marcellus, New York Speed Traps

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Road to Marcellus High School

Marcellus, New YorkMar 04, 20110 Comments

On North Street road the cop hangs out hidden in driveways looking for any one going over 20 miles an hour. On school days or even when school isnt in session trying to get speeders.

175 Turnpike near Marcellus Fire Department Parkway

Marcellus, New YorkFeb 18, 20060 Comments

I see this cop there alot, he sits in the Marcellus Fire Department parking lot next to the gas pumps. The place is on route 175 that branches off West Seneca Turnpike. The Fire Department sits next to the express mart and Marcellus Park, you cant miss it. **Other spots are behind the fire department or in the express mart parking lot.**

Main Street near Laundry Mat/Church

Marcellus, New YorkFeb 18, 20060 Comments

This cop will either sit in the church driveway behind a bush or across the street at the laundry mat, I mostly see him there around the time school lets out and he pulls over a lot of people without seatbelts too.

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