Alex, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Hwy 19

Alex, OklahomaJan 21, 20141 Comments

I was stopped outside city limits for speeding. I attended their kangaroo court held at community center. No officail call to order or announcing the court . Nothing where the officer changed his testimony to suit needs and the aledged judge said nothing. I was fined 150 due immediately come find out when I went to make complaint with mayor IT WASNT ACTUALLY A JUDGE BUT THE SON OF A JUDGE. So I filed my complaint with mayor but I also foward it to district attorney office an the state reps of of district 65 JUDGES must be appointed by mayor and governing body. Idemanded my fine be refunded and investigation into their actions. USING A JUDGE NOT PROPERLY APPOINTED BY MAYOR AND GOVERNING BODY AN USING SAID JUDGE TO IMPROPERLY IMPOSE FINES ON CITIZENS.

Hwy 19

Alex, OklahomaFeb 03, 20131 Comments

I got pulled over at around 11:00 p.m. on a Friday for “running a Stop sign”. The Stop sign as you leave the actually tiny town of Alex entering on to Hwy 19. As I got my license and insurance out, the officer rudely asked for it. And then asked me if I knew what I did. In all honesty I didn’t. He claims I didn’t even brake, but the sad truth is I did. I came to a complete stop, looked both ways and went as I always do through that town. What I didn’t understand was why would a cop claim I ran a Stop sign when I saw him before I got to the sign, sitting just on the other side of someone’s driveway. What kind of person would see a cop and go “Hey, I’m going to run this Stop sign, right in front of that cop!” I know I wouldn’t. The only thing I could think of for me to have “ran that Stop sign” was maybe I didn’t stop behind it. But he didn’t have to lie saying i didn’t stop at all. So i waited in my car as he brought me a ticket. He told me rudely that I needed to sign it, so I did. Then as I asked him how much this ticket would be, his answer was very rude, about $150. I don’t even live in Alex but i promise i wont be donating any money to their fire department. My first ticket, I will be fighting this in court. I won’t be giving them money to support that town. So watch out! Stop behind the signs in Alex.

Hwy 19 in Alex Oklahoma

Alex, OklahomaJun 12, 20120 Comments

I, along with numerous other acquaintances in the oil field have been pulled over and ticketed in Alex Oklahoma. This is most definitely a speed trap. I was clocked at 57mph in a 45 mph however there are extenuating circumstances . First, the hills in Alex are very steep, the signs are small, and the roads are narrow. After receiving a ticket, I only drive 45 miles an hour for the entire 8 mile stretch (even in the 55 and 50). Another thing to consider is that Alex only has traffic court once per month, which means if you are ticketed a week before the next scheduled date for the judge to be in town (like myself), you’ll only have that time to pay your ticket. I attempted to fight my ticket and the judge did not even allow me to give a defense, anytime my answers were more illustrative than yes or no, he interrupted me. The officer who pulled me over even misinformed me about the ticket process. The only bright side is that the officer gives a nice envelope for you to send the money in, which I used to mail a letter of polite complaint.

Just as you go over the hill, outside of Alex, OK

Alex, OklahomaJul 26, 20113 Comments

I was stopped for going 5 miles over the speed limit just (east) of Alex, OK (population is 666-go figure!). I was told there was a speed reduction sign informing me to slow down 5 miles that was posted just before this big hill. Or course I didn’t see the sign because I was more focused on the narrow road and big hill coming up. At the bottom of the hill was a city cop off the side of the road in a well worn area that looked more like a parking area than the curb. My ticket cost $140. I would like to fight this but when I called the Clerk of Courts, you could tell she was used to defending their speed traps, and she was well scripted. If I try to fight this and go to court, I found out that my court costs would be about the same and there are no guarantees I would win in this small court. So, like the rest of my fellow travelers, I am forced to pay this ticket. What right do they have to mess with road-weary traveler’s heads?

HWY 19

Alex, OklahomaDec 08, 20100 Comments

Got pulled over for doing 56 in a 50. I was in the 55 mph zone when he clocked me. He said I was in the 50. $180.00 ticket. When I went to pay it, the lady who took my payment had stacks of cash on her desk. I travel through Alex quite often with my job (oil and gas) and I will never spend a dime there.

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