Kiefer, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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State Highway 6275a near State Route 62

Kiefer, OklahomaJul 25, 20081 Comments

They sit along different spots on 62 and 75a but the bad thing is they have this gun ho hard nose cop that will pull you over in a heartbeat for little or no reason just to harras you.

151st Street

Kiefer, OklahomaJan 01, 20061 Comments

just east of the new high school, on the south side of the road a kiefer police cruiser sits IN the ditch. The ditch is fairly deep, and the cruiser has NO lights on, therefore it is virtually impossibe to see it. I only know because he got me.

SR 67 on the east side of Kiefer

Kiefer, OklahomaDec 30, 20021 Comments

An extra long stretch of road leading into town posted at an obviously unnecessary 35 mph. I was leaving town paying close attention to my speed with my digital speedometer where even when I reached the 45 mph zone I never passed 43 mph but was ticketed for 48 mph in the 35 mph zone. When I went to court I found several others that had also been ticketed for 47, 48, and 49 mph. My fine was $82 which they offered to reduce to $75 and no points on my record. I saw no way to win this so I took it as it seemed most were doing.

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