Sperry, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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On Cincinnatti Ave between Cherokee and 91st St N:

Sperry, OklahomaOct 04, 20100 Comments

Sppeed limit on a peice of barren strip of what looks like a county road with very few home, changes from 45 to 25 at the top of a hill, the cops sit in a church parking lot: and cloc kthe drivers as they top the hil and come up on a new speed zone.

Highway 11(N Peoria av.) approx. 10 miles north of tulsa

Sperry, OklahomaJul 01, 20010 Comments

Speed limit reduces from 65mph to 55mph to 45mph very quickley, then to 25mph in town. Small town currently has 9 officers. Enforcement is high at all times but more so late at night. Officers have many hiding places.

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