Barrie, Ontario Speed Traps

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400 exit Mapleview Dr. E (from Bayview Dr. to Huronia Rd.)

Barrie, OntarioMar 30, 20120 Comments

Dodge Charger black car (hard to realize it is a police car) … stops lots of cars for speeding tickets mainly during rush hours.
Street has 60 km/h spped limit but street is wide with 3 lanes each way and going through a small valley and people drive easily 80km or beyond…so tickets are in big quantity.

Leacock Dr & Broadfoot Rd.

Barrie, OntarioApr 22, 20110 Comments

As you are coming down Leacock from Letitia, there is a 3-way stop at Broadfoot. Come to a complete stop there or risk a ticket from the cop sitting in a driveway right at the stop. Roll even a bit there and you will get a ticket.

Blake St. between Johnson St. and Huron St.

Barrie, OntarioFeb 16, 20110 Comments

Police set up at Huron and Blake, this is a school zone or they set up across the road in the parking lot of the bowling alley. Fines are doubled in this zone.

249 Anne Street N – Nouvelle-Alliance – (High School)

Barrie, OntarioSep 06, 20100 Comments

While schools out (at least during summer months) cops they park in this school’s parking lot with radar in hand waiting on speeding cars.

Hwy 11 Northbound just beyond 400 Extension split

Barrie, OntarioMay 08, 20100 Comments

Speed changes from 100 to 90 after split and cop sits with radar just past overpass on edge of ramp to Penetang Rd, or in summer sits in median turnaround where he can catch people both ways.

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