Winston, Oregon Speed Traps

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Thompson Street

Winston, OregonApr 09, 20100 Comments

Officer sets in car either in the Middles School driveway or one of the side streets with a good view of Thompson and uses hand held radar. This is a school zone and drivers must reduce speed instantly as they enter the street. Most tickets I know of are for 30 to 33 mph in a 20 mph zone. This a double the fine area and usually covered by an officer.

Highway 42 west of Winston Thompson Street

Winston, OregonApr 09, 20100 Comments

Officer radars from the weigh scales east towards Winston. The speed drops from 55mph to 45mph in a school zone at this point traveling east. (from the coast)
Traveling west out of Winston there are multiple places for the officer to set in his car and radar drivers who are in excess of 45mph.
This is a double fine area.

State Route 42 near Lookingglass Road

Winston, OregonMar 27, 20060 Comments

Road curves up and to the left going southbound just past the Lookingglass Rd. intersection. Police sit facing north in large flat area to the west side of the road, where there are numerous other vehicles parked, near the real estate office. It’s difficult to pick out a cop car sitting there until it’s way too late and they have a clear shot of almost a mile of highway.

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