Archbald, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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salem rd

Archbald, PennsylvaniaApr 29, 20130 Comments

Road is a steep hill with a couple of sharp Left banks. Posted speed is 25. but this road is easy to go faster on because you have to watch road due to tons of drive ways and the sharp banks and steepness of road. You tend to watch road rather than speedometer. officers sit at bottom tucked back in firehall and time you with robic timer.

Intersection of Main and State Sts

Archbald, PennsylvaniaJul 11, 20100 Comments

I was able to beat a ticket here for running the stop sign by pointing out to the judge the crosswalk is the legal stopping point. They still have never put a line after the crosswalk at the stop sign itself.

Intersection of Main and State Sts

Archbald, PennsylvaniaApr 13, 20100 Comments

Located at Rossi’s Restaurant. Police wait in Rossi’s pkg lot or the American Legion lot to watch for speeders or drivers going through stop sign.

Rt #6- Eynon area -by old Sugermans Store.

Archbald, PennsylvaniaApr 09, 20100 Comments

Police are active in this area. I go for lunch at a local restrauant there and see them all the time. I have also seen many accidents so be careful.

400 block of Kennedy Drive near general dynamics

Archbald, PennsylvaniaAug 25, 20080 Comments

police officer sat on other side of brick building on the right side of the road as if you were heading towards Eynon, PA

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