Clarion, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Interstate I-80 near Clarion, Pa

Clarion, PennsylvaniaOct 03, 20070 Comments

There is ALWAYS a state police car parked just after the clarion exit off of I-80 East. There is a big pulloff and you can see it from far off, but everytime i go through there, (which is quite often), there is a cop there or they have someone pulled over. So, if you are traveling on I-80 east and pass the clarion exit, please SLOW DOWN!

Greenville Avenue near Heidrick Street

Clarion, PennsylvaniaJun 13, 20060 Comments

As your entering or leaving the borough on Greenville the police sit in a driveway on the east side of the roadway just north of Heidrick St. They hide pretty well. This is a 35mph speed zone.


Clarion, PennsylvaniaApr 18, 20020 Comments

Westbound enforcement immediately after Clarion onramp to interstate (old exit 9) with frequent presence of at least one patrol car shooting radar from a large clearing in the median. Eastbound enforcment immediatedly prior to Clarion exit (old exit 9) just after crossing the large bridge. BEWARE!!!

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