Reed Canal and Clyde Morris

Port Orange, FloridaMar 27, 20101 Comments

At night, Cops like to hide right past the high school in two unfinished roads off of Reed Canal Rd heading towards Clyde Morris. It is very hard to see them due to vegetation and the speed on the road is only 35 mph. I Almost see the cop lights going almost every other night with someone new pulled over.

"Welcome to Port Orange", let's see your license and registration. ;) I've lived off Taylor Rd, in Pt Org since '79. It's ALWAYS been a speed trap. I remember back when Taylor was single lane and their favorite thing was to sit under the large trees just beyond the HS in the blazing sunshine. Four or five mph over was guaranteed to get you a ticket. Town's grown a lot and yes, there are those obnoxious drivers who will run a "very red" light and do 65mph in a 45mph. But, just a moment's inattention to your speed can be VERY expensive in Pt Org. Only worst city is Daytona Bch Shores!
#1May 10, 2010Report Abuse

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