Centreville, Alabama Speed Traps

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US Highway 82 near State Highway 5

Centreville, AlabamaFeb 07, 20070 Comments

Coming north on 82 the centreville city cops sit in the bend that comes into town. They hide in a turn right on a posted speed limit sign of 35. The speed drops from 55 to 35 without warning.

I was presented with a $170 ticket and was afforded the option to pay court costs and gor to driving school for a total of $95. This was along with the other 300 people that were in there for similar reasons. They were all given the option to pay court costs. So even if they let you off they still get your money!

US Highway 82

Centreville, AlabamaApr 14, 20041 Comments

Where US-82 Highway Begins (going from Centreville to Tuscaloosa) or where US-82 ends (going from Tuscaloosa to Centreville) there is a big loop. Going off the loop towards Tuscaloosa or coming from Tuscaloosa (entering the loop) there are many cops traveling up and down US-82 for a couple of miles. The speed limit changes quickly and they will ticket you.

Highway 82 west

Centreville, AlabamaApr 08, 20030 Comments

Police constantly monitor traffic with headlights off.

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