Louisville, Alabama Speed Traps

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Highway 51 between Louisville & Clio

Louisville, AlabamaSep 15, 20090 Comments

The Louisville Police join the Clio Police (the towns are 7 miles apart on state highway 51). They meet about halfway between each town and sit off the road (West side) in a large pecan orchard and wait for speeders. Note: This is also a frequent place where both local and state police set up road blocks for license and other checks.

State Highway 51 North near West Street

Louisville, AlabamaAug 10, 20070 Comments

Local police enjoy parking facing North about 1 mile from downtown and catch you as you come up the hill just inside the city limits (you cannot see the police car until you are about 200 yards from it – then it’s too late). They do love to stop you, but if you get stopped, however, and not grossly exceeding the speed limit, Be Nice ~ ~ you just may get off with a warning!

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