Taladaga, Alabama Speed Traps

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Interstate 20 near Forest

Taladaga, AlabamaJul 02, 20080 Comments

While going east bound on I-20, approx. mile marker 195, mid afternoon on a Friday (the13th) Two miles After leaving a work zone, I resumed the national speed limit of 70 MPH. I have a Texas license plate, and while many other motorists, with Ala. plates were passing me at 80 or so, I was stopped and issued a ticket for 72 in a 50. The cop chuckled when he told me that “There ain’t no speed limit signs until you get to the next county, therefore you can’t resume the normal speed limit for another 17 miles!” He said I could show up in court if I thought I’d been trapped! Sure, I’m going to drive 1400 hunderd miles round trip to “Try” to get justice. Duped in Alabama. Any suggestions?


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