Eagle River, Alaska Speed Traps

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North side of Glenn Hwy. – Under the North Eagle River Overpass

Eagle River, AlaskaMar 20, 20100 Comments

North side of Glenn Hwy., under the North Eagle River overpass, trapping autos going south into Anchorage on the Glenn Hwy.

State Highway Glenn Hwy near Eagle River N Bridge Road

Eagle River, AlaskaOct 18, 20070 Comments

They’re hiding under the Eagle Rver North Bridge on the South side, sometimes two deep, ready to pounce as you come around the curve and down the hill. They got ya!10/07

State Highway Glenn near weigh station emergency turn around

Eagle River, AlaskaApr 25, 20040 Comments

cop usually watching inbound traffic during morning rush, and at night (seen at night mostly on sundays watching people returning from camping…)ive never been caught by this one or seen anyone else caught. im not sure if they really do anything or just to be intimidating. not sure of radar type, but it should be safe to assume radar and laser.

North Eagle River Bridge

Eagle River, AlaskaJul 28, 20020 Comments

This is the first major speed trap of the year where there is no warnings if caught. They speed trap throughout the day after their first speed trap after break up where there is up to 10 officers involved in the spring traps.

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