Healy, Alaska Speed Traps

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State Highway Parks near Chevron Service Station

Healy, AlaskaAug 28, 20060 Comments

Pretty much the whole town of Healy. It’s a small ‘don’t blink your eyes’ town. There is one trooper between Healy and Fairbanks and he drives back and forth almost constantly. Speeding will almost always result in a ticket. I haven’t gotten one yet, but I know some who have.

Parks Highway Mile post 267 to Nenana

Healy, AlaskaMay 01, 20010 Comments

They have a marked State Trooper car with no light bar on top and a 1998-1999 Crown-Vic Brown un-marked that sits on the side of the road that look like a vehicle dead on the side of the road until you get on top of th vehicle and it is to late

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