Nikiski, Alaska Speed Traps

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Halibouty Road

Nikiski, AlaskaApr 17, 20100 Comments

multiple cops patrol halibouty road as well as the surrounding area. do not attempt to drive 90 mph, thinking there is no cops.


Nikiski, AlaskaApr 17, 20100 Comments

Cops that are generally leaving/entering Nikiski will be driving by Agrium. generally between the hours of 12-5 PM; but on rare occasions they will be patrolling around 7 AM. The speed limit is 55.

I was born and raised in Nikiski and a very good tip for where there are NO speed traps is; when you’re leaving Nikiski, and turn the corner by The Place bar (1-2 miles before Randys Glass or Elite Health & Fitness). From The Place Bar until the general area of Wildwood, I have never, in my life, seen anyone pulled over. I have many friends that regularly drive 70-75 MPH in this area. Not one of them has ever been issued a speeding ticket for that particular area.

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