Soldotna, Alaska Speed Traps
Bothe ends of town.
The highway into Soldotna is a steep downhill, whether arriving from north or south. Also, coming down the hills on both ends of town the speed limit decreases from 55 to 45, then a couple of hundred yards later to just 35 – all while on the steep downhill slopes. Most cars and trucks are doing at least 48 t0 50 when passing by the 35 mph speed limit sign. The highway patrol sits near the signs, especially late nights and early morning, and picks off as many violators as they want. Easy fishin’ and no limits (for them).
State Highway K-Beach near K-beach entry
I drove by once and saw a cop with all the lights off sitting in the baseball feild parking lot facing the highway.
Funny River Road near Ski Hill Road
Troopers sit in the SBS parking lot facing the last intersection going south out of town Usually around 10pm to 1am on weekends. Remember if your coming into town that it’s 35mph before the intersection even though there isn’t a sign posted Intel you go threw it and are about to cross the soldotna bridge.