Glendale, Arizona Speed Traps

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Grand Avenue near Entire length of Grand Avenue

Glendale, ArizonaMay 08, 20080 Comments

Announced on many news stations last night that a heavy "crackdown" on Grand from 19th avenue to City of Surprise was being done. They announced that they have arrested at least 6 speeders for felony speeding (20 mph + over) and will continue for most of May 2008.


67th Avenue near Deer Valley Road

Glendale, ArizonaApr 05, 20080 Comments

Motorcycle cops with radar guns sit back off the road at 67th Avenue on Legend Rd and also right before Arrowhead Loop. They get you right after you begin your acceleration south bound on 67th Avenue and as you head toward the Loop 101.

They are there Constantly!


70th Avenue near Bell Road

Glendale, ArizonaApr 03, 20080 Comments

They hide on the north side of bell road by the RV dealership. It was 2 motorcycle cops and they are usually there on Mondays.


Camelback Road near 72nd Avenue

Glendale, ArizonaJan 18, 20080 Comments

Motorcycle officers sitting on north side of Camelback Road tracking traffic going west. They are hard to see until you are right on them.


57th Avenue near Olive Avenue

Glendale, ArizonaJan 10, 20080 Comments

North side of 57th Ave and Olive. Motorcycle Police shooting radar on traffic going both east and west. Hidden by a dental building and trees. Seen multiple times in last week at this location.


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