Huachuca City, Arizona Speed Traps

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North end of town, going north on hwy 90.

Huachuca City, ArizonaMar 29, 20180 Comments

Going north, coming out of Huachuca City, going down hill
Highway 90; double lane, divided highway.
Highway doesn’t even go through town, no stop lights or stops. Speed limit 45 mph; continues for two more miles out of town, before resuming to 65 mph. Highway 90, ten mile stretch from Sierra Vista up to Highway 82 has speed limits varying from 35 to 65 mph. Not well marked, going up, then going down a number of times. Police use radar down at bottom of the second hill, at the edge of 45 mph limit, which is not well marked. $200 ticket for 10 mph over.

State Highway 90 near Mile Marker 313

Huachuca City, ArizonaSep 10, 20070 Comments

Speed drops from 65 to 45 withouth the normal 10 mph increments when going Northbound in Huachuca City.

E. Redwing Lane near Mile Marker 306

Huachuca City, ArizonaJul 30, 20070 Comments

AZ Highway Patrol regularly has 2 to 3 cars nailing drivers between this site and downtown area where speed limits range from 65 to 45. They’ll park in the median and pick you up with radar/laser as you come over the rolling hills. Very frequent between Friday and Sunday.

Highway 90 through the town.

Huachuca City, ArizonaFeb 19, 20030 Comments

Coming into town speed drops from 65mph to 45mph. Warning signs posted. The speed limit is strictly enforced. This used to be one of the nation’s most notorius speed traps, but since road improvements the warning signs have gone up. But be wary, keep to the 45mph rate.

State Highway 90 mile markers 315-310

Huachuca City, ArizonaAug 01, 20000 Comments

The speed limit drops drastically when entering this town on HWY 90 from 65 to 45, although the number of lanes remains two in each direction. Many people being pulled over comment that they believed the speed limit to still be 65. However, the majority of people being pulled over are going over 70. What you need to know is that in Cochise County, every MPH over the speed limit is equal to 12 dollars on a ticket. Plus, 21 MPH or more over the speed limit is criminal speed and the town cops have no problem arresting criminal speeders. There is a hill running through town that the police like to frequent. They sit at the bottom of the hill and catch speeders going both directions.

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