Mammoth, Arizona Speed Traps

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HyWy 77 through Mamoth

Mammoth, ArizonaDec 16, 20120 Comments

High way 77 though Mammoth A drop from 45mph to 35 mph from the Dollar store to the city limits heading north and city limits to the same heading south
the signs are easy to miss but they are there. The city police are working it both day and night

State Route 77

Mammoth, ArizonaSep 01, 20010 Comments

South of Mammoth is a down hill passing lane. Posted limit 55, very easy to go 70 to 75 if you don’t ride your brake.. This highway is a major drug artery, that’s why there are so many DPS officers there. They will stop you for anything then ask you a lot of questions. Luckily I wasn’t stopped for speed, just a faded license plate tab. Officer was polite, though. Be careful in Mammoth!

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