Phoenix, Arizona Speed Traps

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Union Hills

Phoenix, ArizonaJul 13, 20020 Comments

I’ve seen them on both sides of Union Hills north and south sides.either on 16th street or 24th street. One is on foot standing with his car on a side street with like 3-5 chase cars speed limit is posted 25 seen them there more than once while working in that area cleaning carpet. have fun drive safe

Highway 143 (Hohokam Expressway) northbound from I10

Phoenix, ArizonaSep 01, 20010 Comments

When getting onto Hwy 143, motorist have two lanes from Interstate 10. The 143 has two lanes as well and when the four lanes come together the far right lane of the merging traffic soon ends. This happens as you travel up a slight incline and if you are trying to make room by getting in the far left or possibly passing, you are a prime target for a ticket from the DPS officers about 3/10 mile from the top of the hill, to the right, and on their motorcycles about 15-20 feet from the side of the road. The average motorist is concentrating on the merge of the four lanes and if you aren’t looking off to the right the DPS blend in and go undetected until you see their lights in your rear view mirror. I don’t know specifically what kind of radar however, it’s by the airport and right under at least two sets of major power lines so it may be fightable.

On Campbel between 32nd Street and 28th Street

Phoenix, ArizonaOct 01, 20000 Comments

I was issued a citation for unsafe speed on this stretch of road by a motorcycle cop. He was parked on the side of the road and just walked into the middle of the road and signaled me to pullover. The officer marked that radar was used in approximating speed. I did some research on this road and found that a speed survey was never done on this road. In addition, the average daily volume is 8,000 vehicles per day which classifies this street as a minor arterial (the largest of roads is called a major arterial). The speed limit sign says 30 mph, but that seems way too low being that the street I live on has a 30 mph speed limit and it is way more narrow and gets much much less traffic (less than 1,000 vehicles per day).

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