Rye, Arizona Speed Traps

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US Highway 87 near Rye

Rye, ArizonaJun 24, 20080 Comments

8 DPS officers working the north bound St RT 87 coming into Rye/ 20 miles south of Payson Az…working it every Friday

State Highway 87 near Gisela Ranch Road

Rye, ArizonaMar 08, 20040 Comments

North bound traffic heading into Rye towards Payson.

Route 87

Rye, ArizonaJul 13, 20020 Comments

Whenever we travel Route 87, going through Rye, we have seen people who have been pulled over by the State Police. Suggest that you follow the speed limit when going through Rye (4 lane divided hwy). The speed limit is 65 MPH.

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