Sierra Vista, Arizona Speed Traps
Avenida Cochise Avenue near State Highway 92
This is east of the Mall of SV. He was parked at the fire station. Speed limit in this area is 25mph even though there are no houses facing this stree. I was clocked going 36mph–I thought for sure the limit was 35–be careful there.
Buffalo Soldier Trail near Golf Links Avenue
Monitoring car typically sits on the east side of BST north of Golf Links. This position is blind to northbound drivers due to a rise in BST just before Golf Links.
State Highway 92 South near Yaqui Avenue
I live in the area and constantly see unmarked cars (white sedans, black SUVs) with lights flashing in front window pulling over unsuspecting victims. Don’t know if this is legal or not.
Moson Road near Hereford Road
Watch out for the undercover cop that watches this area. The car is a gold color car. Be careful he also hit 92
Busby Street near Lenzner Street
I was coming down Busby where Busby and Lenzner meet. I had increased my speed from 25 up to around what I though was about 35. There was a motorcycle officer at the corner just parked on his bike, clear for all to see. I would not have sped if I had know it was only 25 through this area. My confusion came in because on the opposite side of the same street the speed limit is still 35 miles per hour.